Personal Online Support

Sometimes we do not have someone to talk to – feel free to talk to me; I would love to give you personal online support

Personal Online Support
The sun is always shining, even if we think we live in full darkness

There are times in life when we cannot talk to anybody we know about stuff we go through. The reasons can differ from problem to problem – the worst feelings being fear and embarrassment.

We build a barrier around ourselves and the outer world and this creates lasting personality flaws.

Even though I believe that most people would understand our struggles and try to help us, it is still difficult to talk to them.

Many times in my personal life, I did not talk to people about important things. I thought that if nobody except for me knows, then the reality of those things will just disappear; „It did not happen if nobody knows.“

In reality, the fear of rejection caused that approach. If people knew some things that I have done in life they would reject my presence, my friendship, my attention, my love. They would judge me as being inferior to them; someone who cannot play the role they assigned me to play.

The consequence of this is to never be able to find people who accept us for who we truly are. We will have to keep secrets and pretend to be someone we are not in order to fulfil the other’s needs. That is not a acceptable way to live life.

In those difficult times of failure and wrong decisions, I wish I had someone to talk to. Even if they could not provide me with any helping words, any solutions. Just the fact of telling somebody would have been very helpful. Accepting the fact that this specific experience that I am not proud of happened or that this specific thought occurred in my mind. Letting it live inside of us will make it grow bigger and bigger. Contrarily, letting it out into the world will make it shrink inside of us, even if we only tell it to a stranger who will understand.

This platform is for all of you, who have something to say but have nobody to say it to. I will answer to each and every one of you with the highest honesty that I can offer. Every one of you will get a personalized answer that will not be published anywhere. Your privacy and trust will be respected.