Celebrate Your Uniqueness

The herd mentality is a real thing.

We all want to be part of the majority, part of their opinions, views, their fashions and trends.

It’s not necessarily bad, but we need to find our own authentic voice.

Fortis Fortuna Adiuvat

Fortune Favours the Brave

Not many are brave enough to “raise themselves above the ideas of their time”, even though they carry many amazing ideas with them.

Oftentimes, it comes with loneliness, something great people of the past have lived through while trying to argue the greatness of their ideas.

Raising oneself above the ideas of one’s times, though, shouldn’t be an action for the sake of itself.

It needs to be supported by an ideology and purpose.

Ideology and purpose will give the revolt a meaning.

The ideology and purpose need to be based on realism, otherwise they will be denounced as insane.

Rise above the Zeitgeist, but do it while standing for something reasonable and righteous.

Celebrate your uniqueness!

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